Getting myself together


So its been a while since I posted.

I am back.

I must take my life back and start living, at this stage I am barely surviving………………….

Hopefully in a years time I can look back and be stronger emotionally, financially and spiritually

So let the journey begin

back again


So it has been a few years since i posted…………

omw!!!!!!! so much happend.

Well my boss of 10 years passed away, (that really was heartbreaking, seeing cancer taking him slowly….) Then 3 week later my mother in law died, that was a scare, none of us was ready for that.  I was in her room half an hour after she passed, i will never forger that picture…………….

and then 7 months and 13 days later my dad passed away.  and i still cant believe he is gone. He was in and out of hospital for 3 weeks, prior to that there was nothing wrong with him, and in those 3 weeks he went from a healthy man to a skeleton.

His hands was afraid of nothing, always fixing something for someone, never asking any money, just enjoying helping people and shockingly now that he is gone i see how many people only used him.

My father and i never got along like he and my brother or sister did.  We always had little fights, maybe because we are the same, really stubborn, But i could call him anytime even if its past 1 in the morning telling him we need help he would come help us, no matter what. He would climb on his motor bike (waking up the whole security complex they live in)

enough sadness….

My 3 girls are ALOT bigger. 9, 13 &17 years. Giving me grey hair allllll the way.  I decided not to color my hair anymore and go all natural…….35 and going grey, o yeah..

But i am soooooo proud of them, they are my reason for living. My pick me up when i am down, my chatter boxes when i just want to climb in bed and stay there forever… If it was not for them, o my goodness i wonder if i would still be here.

Love life………………….thats a story for another day,


till we see again……